Governance & Management
General body: All the members of the Belaku Mahila Sangha (BMS) constitute the general body. General body meeting is held once in a year. At present there are 3300 women members spread across 14 blocks in Dharwad district.
Board members: Board members are the desicison making body of the Belaku Mahila Sangha (BMS). At present there are 13 board members who are elected from among the general dody. Election for board members happens once in every two years. Board members meets once in a month at BMS office in Dharwad.
Office bearers: Office bearers are 5 in number (President, Vice President, Secretary Joint Secretary and Treasurer) and they are selected from amongst 13 Board members. The tenure for office bearers is also 2 years. They are involved in day to day activities of the organisation with the support of staff members.
Staff:BMS CEO -01 (KSAPS Programme) Project Manager,(PM) an accountant, Monitoring & Evaluation 01 , Counsellor-03 and Out Reach workers- 11 , Peers – 25 constitute the staff team of the organisation. They are paid staff of the BMS who are involved in field operation and office management.
member & Conduct No
Accountability & transparency
- Accounts of the society are properly maintained and audited every year by an external chartered accountant
- We have maintained all the accounts books on computer and are up-to-date.
- All institutional meetings such as board and general body meetings are held regularly and all decision are unanimously taken.
- We have all necessary policies designed and approved by our board members such as membership, financial, audit, etc.